Center for Christian Virtue

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BREAKING: Committee Passes Parents' Bill of Rights, LifeWise Academy Religious Released Time


COLUMBUS–Moments ago, House Bill 8 (HB8), sponsored by Representatives D.J. Swearingen (R-Huron) and Sara P. Carruthers (R-Hamilton), was voted out of the Ohio Senate Education Committee. 

HB8 contains the Parents' Bill of Rights and a measure to protect students' right to receive religious education during the school day through religious released time.

HB8 must now receive a floor vote in the Senate and then a concurrence vote in the House of Representatives to be sent to Governor DeWine for final approval.

The Parents' Bill of Rights recognizes the fundamental right of parents to make decisions regarding their child’s upbringing, care, and education. HB8 protects parents' right to know when their child is being taught sexual content at school, to opt their student out of such curriculum, and to be notified if their child requests a change of gender recognition at school.

The Religious Released Time amendment would protect the right of children to receive religious education from ministries like LifeWise Academy and School Ministries Ohio by changing the law which says public schools "may" allow released time for religious instruction to say that they "shall," or must, allow it in line with court precedent.

For more information, contact CCV at 513-733-5775 or For media inquiries, email

As Ohio's largest Christian public policy organization, Center for Christian Virtue seeks the good of our neighbors by advocating for public policy that reflects the truth of the Gospel. 
