Center for Christian Virtue

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Will you partner with us?

A Letter from Center for Christian Virtue President Aaron Baer

Hi CCV Friend,

If you want modern-day proof of what Christians can do when they work together, just look at the recent defeat of Issue 1—a proposal that would have turned control of Ohio’s redistricting process over to an unaccountable and bloated bureaucracy.

The yes campaign had nearly seven times the budget ($40 million vs. $6 million) as the no campaign, but still lost by a 54-46 margin.

That happened because the Church throughout Ohio responded to the call to get involved.

CCV invested significant time and resources to empower Christians to understand the negative impact Issue 1 would have on our state. The end result is that we sent the message loudly and clearly to the out-of-state and foreign groups who funded the yes campaign that Ohio’s Constitution is not for sale!

When the Church rises up together, giants fall!

On this Giving Tuesday, I want to invite you to partner with us in our efforts to mobilize and equip the Church to take a leading role in setting a new course for our state and nation.

Grateful for you, my friend,

Aaron Baer
Center for Christian Virtue